Why was my order refunded?

Your order was most likely refunded due to these following reasons:
- Item can't be fulfilled due to lack of inventory or MOQ.
- Item is defective and can't be sold in its current condition.

I do not like the item I bought, can I request return? What is your return policy?

- You have 30 days to return it and must meet the following requirements below:
- Make sure that item has not been washed or worn out. If there are blemishes or stains due to it being worn, the refund would not be possible.
- Have the original packaging.

If everything applies above, you can request a return by emailing us at support@markofchaos.store
The Item will be fully refunded except the shipping cost. As we are covering the cost of return labels for your convenience.

Can I do a size exchange?

- Make sure that item has not been washed or worn out. If there are blemishes or stains due to it being worn, the refund would not be possible.
- Have the original packaging.

If everything applies above, you can request a return by emailing us at support@markofchaos.store

Why are there no delivery options available?

It usually means that you are outside the areas where we are able to ship stuff. Some countries are not accessible or do not provide affordable ways to ship items. We are working on expanding our shipping partners to accommodate more countries in the future.

When will my item ship?

Items should be able to shipped within 1-3 business days. If takes more than 2 weeks (PRE-ORDERS DO NOT APPLY) there might be problem with your order and will be automatically refunded if takes too long.

Why is my tracking number not updating?

It may not be updated due to the label being printed and still pending for actual fulfillment. We print labels in anticipation of it being fulfilled within the next few days afterwards. The moment you get your tracking number, that is the first of the three processes that happens:

1. Label printing and sorting
2. Packing Orders
3. Dropping off Packages to the post office.

If the tracking number has not updated for more than 14 days, that means it has been lost in transit and a full refund would be sent out.

Why is my refund not showing up?

Depending on your payment processor, it may take 3-7 business days for the balance to reflect in your account. The moment you receive a refund email, that is up to your chosen payment provider on when they would hand it out.